CFI needs you!
Exciting projects with CFI! In 2025, we are developing a mobile app, recruiting new team members, establishing new partnerships, and much more!
All this relies 100% on you: we are funded only by members and partners; we are totally independent.
Our objective is to build a great community to:
- Develop friendship and business within a strong network
- Create cultural exchanges with friends of France worldwide
- Share independent and useful news
To support our work, you can become a member or make a donation.
Support CFI by signing up for one or more memberships here: Join us! – Club France International
Follow us and connect with us here: Links & Social Media – Club France International
Want to give some time or help with your skills? Join CFI teams! – Club France International
Share this information to your friends and connections, let’s grow together!
Marc GUYON, founder of CFI
WhatsApp +852 9532 2810 / Telegram @Marc_Guyon/ WeChat marcguyon