Dear members, dear friends,

CFI is more than a club, it’s a community!

Our community always welcome people who wish to take initiatives, wherever you are, whatever are the activities they like to do.

Do you like a specific bar, a restaurant? Why not organise an event there and invite CFI friends?

Have you seen a nice event you wish to attend and think it may be interesting for CFI friends? We can make a partnership with the event organiser and add the event to our partner or recommended events!

Do you like CFI events and wish there were happening more often? You can take initiatives and organise some!

Do you like a specific activity? Hiking, sports, game, learning a language? Please share your passion with us and let’s created some activity groups.

Are you passionate about helping others find a job, staff, suppliers, customers, create a business, or simply making friends?

Are you passionate about people and community? Are you a people’s person?

Do you have friends who live somewhere else, where there is no active CFI? Let’s connect and develop a CFI club there!

What do we do? We create a strong community, a network of like-minded people who like to support each other, make everyone grow and become better together.

More information: What is the CFI club? – Club France International

Are you ready to join the team?

See you soon!

Marc GUYON, founder of CFI

LinkedIn / WhatsApp +852 9532 2810 / Telegram @Marc_Guyon/ WeChat ‘marcguyon’