Support my work: join the CFI now!
Dear friends,
2024 will be a year fully dedicated to the development of CFI.
Our objective is simple: develop business, culture, and friendship with all friends of France worldwide.
This has a cost. To be dedicated full time, to develop a team, to connect with our clubs worldwide, we need your support.
Make a meaningful contribution to the development of a useful network. Support a good cause.
You can be an individual, or a business.
You can be of any nationality, from any type of industry.
You can be French speaking, or simply interested in connecting with the French community.
Share the info to your friends and connections. Be part of our community. Let’s shape it together.
You can join us from only 12 euros per month. By credit card, bank transfer, automatic standing instruction, cryptocurrency, cheque, cash, you can contribute in any way you wish.
- Telegram @Marc_Guyon
- WhatsApp +852 95322810
- Wechat : marcguyon
- Line : marcguyon
- Signal +852 95322810

Philippines : “Se lancer dans la création d’une entreprise et créer de l’emploi localement, est extrêmement valorisant.” Thierry Maysounabe – Club France International

Armistice – Remembrance day 2023 (Hong Kong) – Club France International

Evénements CFI à Paris – Club France International

Shanghai & Beijing: CFI in China! – Club France International

Shanghai & Beijing: CFI in China! – Club France International