Terre de Sel – coopérative des paludiers à Guérande – Pradel accueille une exposition pour le “premier jour du timbre Lucie Randoin”

Terre de Sel – coopérative des paludiers à Guérande – Pradel accueille une exposition pour le “premier jour du timbre Lucie Randoin”

Le Cercle Philatélique de La Baule entend prolonger l’action de l’APN (menée à Nantes par Jean-Luc Losfeld) en proposant une exposition Lucie Randoin à Terre de Sel – coopérative des paludiers à Guérande – Pradel. Claude Troboë, vice-président, recherche des informations, articles, visuels sur les recherches spécifiques de madame Randoin avec les paludiers et /ou…

France-Shenzhen Innovation Networking Dinner – Digital InPulse 2025

France-Shenzhen Innovation Networking Dinner – Digital InPulse 2025

We were delighted to meet 8 French start-ups coming to visit Hong Kong and Shenzhen in January 2025 via the Digital InPulse programme by Huawei. This programme is an excellent way to promote innovation and collaboration between France and China. We had the opportunity to interview representatives from Huawei, as well as some participants of…

Visiting Notre-Dame de Paris in Hong Kong
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Visiting Notre-Dame de Paris in Hong Kong

历经五年的修缮工作,巴黎圣母院以崭新的面貌重现在塞纳河畔。虽未亲临巴黎,但远在国内的我们仍有机会窥见巴黎圣母院的惊恐一瞥 After five years of renovation work, Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris has been restored to a new look on the banks of the Seine. Although we are not in Paris in person, we still have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris ^O^ 浴火重生-巴黎圣母院AR沉浸式体验展将通过AR扩增实镜的数字化工具,让参观者身临其境地感受巴黎圣母院的壮丽恢宏之美!穿越千年历史,来吧,一起享受视觉的饕餮盛宴 Reborn from the fire…

It’s black truffle season! Chef Florian Muller is ready!
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It’s black truffle season! Chef Florian Muller is ready!

That’s the peak time of the year to taste one of the best truffles: Tuber melanosporum, called the black truffle, Périgord truffle or French black truffle. You can find a lot of products: truffles cheese, truffle saucissons, truffle sauce, and you can also simply order the fresh truffles and make your own dishes! Meet with…

Clement Niel Chocolatier Bangkok: French expertise blended with Thai flavours
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Clement Niel Chocolatier Bangkok: French expertise blended with Thai flavours

More and more young Frenchmen decide to start a new life abroad and share their expertise with the world. Let’s meet with Clement Niel Chocolatier Bangkok! 1) Where are you from, and why did you choose to move to Thailand and start your business in Bangkok? I am originally from Lyon in France. I chose…

Diaspora irlandaise. Que signifie le mot « Síbín » ?

Diaspora irlandaise. Que signifie le mot « Síbín » ?

Le mot « Síbín » est né en Irlande entre 1780 et 1790. Il faisait référence au whisky brassé à la maison, qui était ensuite vendu illégalement et qui a rapidement fait référence aux établissements non autorisés qui vendaient de l’alcool. Avec l’émigration massive d’Irlande dans les années 1800, le terme s’est rapidement répandu au…

Wolkov watch: a CFI special edition!
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Wolkov watch: a CFI special edition!

New! Wolkov has developed an exceptional watch, a classy looking timepiece to promote French style and sophistication. CFI members can enjoy a -10% discount with discount code CFI2025 ! Embrace the timeless charm and sophistication of French craftsmanship with W25 Patriote collection.This exquisite timepiece is not just an accessory; it is a statement of refined…