Visiting Notre-Dame de Paris in Hong Kong
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Visiting Notre-Dame de Paris in Hong Kong

历经五年的修缮工作,巴黎圣母院以崭新的面貌重现在塞纳河畔。虽未亲临巴黎,但远在国内的我们仍有机会窥见巴黎圣母院的惊恐一瞥 After five years of renovation work, Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris has been restored to a new look on the banks of the Seine. Although we are not in Paris in person, we still have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris ^O^ 浴火重生-巴黎圣母院AR沉浸式体验展将通过AR扩增实镜的数字化工具,让参观者身临其境地感受巴黎圣母院的壮丽恢宏之美!穿越千年历史,来吧,一起享受视觉的饕餮盛宴 Reborn from the fire…

It’s black truffle season! Chef Florian Muller is ready!
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It’s black truffle season! Chef Florian Muller is ready!

That’s the peak time of the year to taste one of the best truffles: Tuber melanosporum, called the black truffle, Périgord truffle or French black truffle. You can find a lot of products: truffles cheese, truffle saucissons, truffle sauce, and you can also simply order the fresh truffles and make your own dishes! Meet with…

Hong Kong: Special dinner with Maurice Portiche

Hong Kong: Special dinner with Maurice Portiche

On 27/12/2024, we took the opportunity to organise a casual dinner with Maurice Portiche, China expert and former French ambassador, in Hong Kong for a few days. French and Chinese guests from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou gathered for a casual dinner and talks about “Why China is the future”. Excellent dinner, thanks all, especially…