
What is chess boxing? Meet with Terry.

Terry Kochanowski, French expat in China, tells us about his mindset and hobby: chess boxing.

1) Where are you from, what do you do, what brought you to China?

I am from Béziers, south of France. I am 29, I work in finance industry. I moved to china as business controller for a French company in Shanghai during 1 year thanks to the VIE job contract.

2) What is chess boxing and how did this idea come to you?

Chessboxing is a hybrid sport that combines two seemingly opposite activities: chess and boxing. The sport was invented by Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh in 2003, inspired by the science fiction graphic novel “Froid Équateur” by French author Enki Bilal. In this comic strip, the characters take part in fights in which they alternate between chess and boxing. Iepe Rubingh has transformed this fictional concept into a real-life sporting discipline. How it works: Chessboxing or “CBX” consists of a maximum of 6 rounds alternating 3 rounds of chess and 3 rounds of boxing and always begins with a round of chess. The rounds continue in this way until one of the two competitors wins by: – checkmate – KNOCKOUT – End of the clock (players have 5 minutes each) The fact that you can’t win by points or judges’ decisions makes this a very aggressive sport.

I discovered this discipline through a sports report on television. I’ve had a passion for chess and martial arts (black belt in taekwondo and Thai boxing) since I was a child, so I knew straight away that this was the sport for me. I contacted the French chessboxing federation straight away to find out where I could sign up in my region. Then I was invited to take part in the French team trials. I won the silver medal at the 2023 world championships in Italy. I regretted China’s absence from that competition, but it was an important factor in my decision to set up the first club in China, in Shanghai.

3) How is life in France? Why do you want to find new opportunities and come back to China?

I’ve always wanted to work abroad. I started my career in Luxembourg. Having studied in Paris, I couldn’t consider living in a major French city for reasons of security and comfort. I feel that France has become a no-go area where it’s becoming difficult to bring up children. Except perhaps in rural areas, but my career choices don’t allow me to do that at the moment. It was important for me to live in European countries that are still in touch with their fundamental Christian values (I’m of Polish origin) and I tend to think that the secularism imposed by the Republic is at the root of many of our economic and social problems. I’ve also always been very curious about China, having been brought up watching Hong Kong films as a child. I also spent a lot of time in Asia for my boxing fights. When the opportunity arose for me to work in China, I immediately applied. The experience confirmed everything I’d thought about China before coming (especially about the big cities: highly developed, clean, calm but dynamic, ultra-secure without being oppressive, great culture and gastronomy… concrete professional opportunities, real friendships).

On my return to France, I realised how hopeless the country seemed, especially after having experienced such wonderful experiences in China. That’s why I’m looking for a job in the south of China. In the finance or education sector (Finance or Boxing)



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