Job opportunies: Karavane, a platform that puts French companies in touch with local experts
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Job opportunies: Karavane, a platform that puts French companies in touch with local experts

Hello everyone, My name is Gildas, and I’ve created, a platform that puts French companies 🇫🇷 in touch with local experts (expatriates or people familiar with French culture) to help them expand internationally. For our customers, we’re looking for profiles from all over the world, and particularly in Europe and Asia, to become :…

Qu’est-ce que le CFI ?
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Qu’est-ce que le CFI ?

Le club a 3 rĂ´les principaux : Business : Conseil et mises en relation.MĂ©dia : Informations utiles au sujet de l’expatriation et de diaspara française, actualitĂ©s de nos membres.EvĂ©nementiel : Rencontres conviviales, Ă©vĂ©nements networking, activitĂ©s (culturelles, sportives, lifestyle…) Plus d’informations :

Why some expats relinquish their citizenship and become Chinese citizens
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Why some expats relinquish their citizenship and become Chinese citizens

Interesting talk with Stephen Barnes, who tells us why some expats decide to relinquish their citizenship, become Chinese citizens, and get a HKSAR passport. For tax, for ideological reasons, or many other possible reasons, why do people do it, and how to do it? 4 October 2024

Le dispositif “PELF” (Pass Enfant Langue Française)
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Le dispositif “PELF” (Pass Enfant Langue Française)

đź“ť Le ministère des affaires Ă©trangères lance cette annĂ©e une nouvelle expĂ©rimentation : le Pass Enfant Langue Française (PELF). Ce dispositif offre la possibilitĂ©, pour des enfants de nationalitĂ© française mais qui parlent peu ou pas du tout le français, de bĂ©nĂ©ficier gratuitement de 20h de cours de français. Le PELF s’adresse exclusivement Ă  des…

Rencontrez la CFE Ă  ShanghaĂŻ et Hong-Kong du 18 au 24 septembre 2024
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Rencontrez la CFE Ă  ShanghaĂŻ et Hong-Kong du 18 au 24 septembre 2024

Nous relayons une information transmise par le consulat gĂ©nĂ©ral de France Ă  Hong Kong, Ă  diffuser largement : Madame, Monsieur, La CFE et son partenaire ALEA viennent Ă  la rencontre des Français expatriĂ©s en Chine du 18 au 24 septembre 2024 ! Ă€ cette occasion, plusieurs Ă©vènements seront organisĂ©s Ă  ShanghaĂŻ et Hong-Kong: SHANGHAI Jeudi 19 septembre 202417h00 (heure locale)CCI FRANCE CHINE…

FAQ: Why does CFI communicate mostly in English?

FAQ: Why does CFI communicate mostly in English?

Many people have asked us why CFI communicates mostly in English. The answer is very simple: we are international. We are not only Club France; we are Club France INTERNATIONAL. Our objective is not to gather “Franco-French” people, our objective is to share the French culture and make it accessible to everyone.We also create French-only…