CFI Christmas party in Hong Kong
Very nice event at Nook bar and lounge, CFI partner! Thanks all.
Very nice event at Nook bar and lounge, CFI partner! Thanks all.
Le jeudi 18 janvier a eu lieu le premier Ă©vĂ©nement CFI Shanghai organisĂ© 100% localement ! A l’invitation de Benoit, 30 personnes se sont retrouvĂ©es Ă la boulangerie La Parisienne, afin de partager un moment convivial et dĂ©velopper un rĂ©seau. Un grand merci Ă tous pour ces moments forts sympathiques ! Pour devenir membre du CFI :…
Mardi 30 mai 2023, le CFI a organisĂ© une rencontre autour d’un thème qui nous touche tous dans notre vie quotidienne : la Chine, grand pays de ce 21ème siècle, qui ne cesse de nous surprendre. Yvon Russon, fondateur de la sociĂ©tĂ© SONG, et actif dans les affaires sur place depuis 25 ans, a expliquĂ©…
Thank you all for the day trip to visit Fanling! Special thanks to village chief George Pang, and Mei for the organisation. Club France International aims at building connections with the local community; creating a strong network of great people who enjoy cultural exchanges. Next event in Fanling is this Saturday, this time by night…
The Jurade de Saint-Emilion is back in Hong Kong this month for its Gala Dinner on May 27th at the Grand Hyatt. He is more information about their upcoming event: In which other cities will you organise events during your Asia tour 2024, and what are the dates? The Jurade de Saint-Emilion will be present for…
Thanks to all our friends and partners who came to the French Happy hour on Friday 24 February 2023! It was such a great feeling to be in LKF again. Once again, let’s build a great network and connect with new friends and business partners. Thanks a lot Tai Tai bar for hosting. They are…
Friday 9 December 2022, thanks everyone for showing up! After some French speaking talks at 6:30pm, we continued with the CFI Christmas party from 8pm and stayed until midnight ! We will continue organising a mix of both French language and English/international events. In 2023, we plan to add activities such as sports, hiking, and…